

At Albemarle, we encourage all our children to develop an understanding of the world around us. Geography lessons aim to inspire in pupils, a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people.


Our geography curriculum aims to provide children with the opportunity to develop an understanding of places both near and far, different environments and the processes that create them. Children begin by developing their knowledge of their local area, before progressing onto the United Kingdom, Europe and beyond. Case studies allow children to take an in-depth look at another country, drawing comparisons between human and geographical features and providing opportunities for children to use and develop skills such as using grid references. Lessons focus on children developing their place knowledge and geographical skills through the use of maps, atlases, aerial photographs and globes.  Our Curriculum has been written to be current and relevant for our school community. By ensuring good quality teaching and learning linked to sustainability, global and local environmental issues and Fair Trade we aim for our children to become global citizens responsible for the future of our planet.


In Early Years, children develop a basic understanding of routes, maps and places as well as having opportunities to develop geographical skills. This is taught through themes such as 'Rivers and Oceans' and 'Journeys' and children are immersed in key texts such as 'The Snail and the Whale' and 'Handa's Suprise'.  Children begin acquiring geographical vocabulary that is built on throughout Key Stage One and Two.

In Key Stage One and Two, children learn through following enquiry questions. In Year 1, children begin considering and learning about their local area. Then, through the key stages, they develop their understanding and knowledge of the UK, Europe and the World.  Geographical skills and fieldwork have a high importance and are interwoven across the curriculum. Children undertake fieldwork in every year group. We use 'digi-maps' to ensure children have a good understanding of how to use digital maps for different purposes. Case studies are used to enable specific teaching of locational and place knowledge and human and physical geography including comparisons. For each topic, children revisit previously taught knowledge in order to retrieve and embed so enabling new knowledge to be effectively built. Teacher and pupil voice has been taken into account when designing the curriculum and we have included themes to ensure relevance and high engagement. 

The curriculum is designed to allow systematic progression in knowledge, skills and key concepts as children move up through the school.


The engaging and practical nature of our geography lessons enable children to develop a firm understanding of both their local environment and the wider world around them.  Children will have a good grasp of place and locational knowledge as well as having developed geographical skills.  When leaving Albemarle, children are inspired to look after our planet and be responsible global citizens.

Useful Websites for Learning:

National Geographic: 

3-D Geography: 

BBC Bitesize Geography KS1: 

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