At Albemarle, we aim for every child to have a positive and confident attitude towards mathematics and to develop a deep sense of curiosity in the subject. We believe that all children are capable of achieving mathematically. Throughout their time in school, the children progressively build upon each concept so they are able to reason and apply their thinking to the challenges presented by the wider world.
Our aim is to support the children to acquire a fundamental grasp of the mathematical concepts outlined in the National Curriculum. We assist the children in developing a love for the learning of maths and to become confident and resilient when tackling new mathematical content. Mathematical concepts are taught in small steps, where the whole class works together on mastering the content. Lessons are designed to support intelligent practice enabling children to identify patterns and make connections with prior learning. Through the application of mathematical skills across the curriculum, we aim to provide children with the necessary confidence, knowledge and skills that are an integral aspect of their futures.
As a school we are continuously reflecting on a teaching for mastery approach. We follow the NCETM schemes for maths, which support our approach. We introduce new concepts with the use of resources and representations to support the children's understanding until they are ready to progress to the abstract. Lessons and sequences of lessons are planned in small steps of learning, with a logical progression. Enabling children to develop fluency is essential and we ensure that time is allocated to work on this collaboratively and independently. Supported by a new learning partner each week, children are encouraged to articulately explain their reasoning using accurate mathematical vocabulary. When new mathematical concepts are secure, we challenge our children to use what they have learnt to make rich connections across different areas of maths; to solve problems, make generalisations and to identify patterns.
Our structured lessons enable children to have a secure understanding of mathematical concepts and to develop the skills needed to become successful mathematicians. Mathematical learning is also utilised and developed in other curriculum areas, such as Science, P.E., Art and Design and Technology. At Albemarle, the children are taught that maths is a part of all aspects of life. Work by inspirational mathematicians and professionals using maths skills, is used to provide motivation and to demonstrate the importance of maths as a life skill. Our children leave Albemarle with the maths skills needed for their next step in education, proven by our results in Statutory Assessments and with the confidence to embrace new mathematical challenges.
Curriculum Overview - HERE
Useful Links for Learning:
All children in Years 2 to 6 have a school Sumdog account. This can be used to support children's arithmetic skills through engaging computer-based games, and we encourage parents to make use of this resource at home. If you need your child's log in details, please speak to their class teacher.
Times Table Rockstars:
Children from Year 1 to 6 have a TT Rockstars account. Please speak to your child's class teacher if you do not have their login details.
Other free-of-charge online maths games/resources:
Albemarle Primary School
Princes Way
SW19 6JP